
What is God?

This is quite an interesting question, and one most hotly debated among humans. The problem is essentially that we don't, or more precisely, can't know. Let's start with one man's model of the inter-dimensional universe.

After watching this video, let us now then define god. For the purposes of this discussion, we will say that god is defined as a being which knows all, and has the power to change anything. In this imagining, based on the universal model in the video, it begs the question, in what dimension does god exist? Let us follow logically through the system.

We exist in the third dimension, thus by necessity god must be in the fourth dimension. God sees all of time, our past and our future.

This being true would mean though that god only has the capability to observe time. Thus by necessity God must exist within the 5th dimension, wherein god could see not only our own timeline, but all possible timelines of existence.

However if we imagine this to be true, then we limit god to only viewing all possible timelines of existence, yet it is the 6th dimension which allows god to travel to alternate timelines. Therefore, we must conclude that god must exist within the 6th dimension.

This does allow god to see and travel into all possible timelines, without altering the universe itself, but can only see one at a time. Thus we must say that god exists within the 7th dimension, wherein god sees all possible outcomes our current universe as a whole, collectively, and has the ability to instantly be anywhere in the universe, at any time.

This is now starting to sound more like the god most people imagine, however this does not encompass all that god is, for it limits god to only observing and acting in a physical frame of reference within the universe, but not altering the properties of the universe itself. This is where we come to a crossroads of belief. If one believes that god exists as a physical being which can travel anywhere, at any time to any possibility of the known universe, then god needs only exist in the 7th dimension. this is supported by string theory informing us that all of reality as we know it ends at the 7th dimension, wherein one observes all possible outcomes and beginnings of existence as we know it.

Yet this leaves us with the question, is god "all powerful"? For if god is, then the 7th dimension constrains him to only the universe as we know it. It is then that god must exist within the 8th dimension, wherein god exists to be able to travel to another universe in which a different physical property exists, but only one.

This adds yet another constraint upon god, thus for the constraint to be lifted one must imagine that god can travel to physical universes wherein all physical laws are optional. Again though, this constrains god, for moving through these universes is tiresome and tedious, as all physical properties of the universe must be traveled through in a line. In order for god to exist in context of power, god must be able to instantly transport from one physical universe to a completely different one, thus exist within the 9th dimension.

Again though, this constrains god, by having god physically jump from one physical universe into another, without seeing it first. Essentially, god is travelling to a realm in which god knows exists, but does not exist in the context to see, such as you or I traveling to another place in 3rd dimensional space. We know it exists but we cannot necessarily see it. For god then to know all, god would then need to exist in the 10th dimension, see all possible beginnings and all possible outcomes from those beginnings.

Thus we have logically arrived at the conclusion that god exists within the 10th dimension, of all possible possibilities of everything. Yet to imagine a being as this we must consider that the 10th dimension itself is everything, and anything that exists therein is indeed an expression of itself. Thus we can logically conclude that god not only exists in the 10th dimension, but that god is the 10th dimension. Or said another way, god is the universe of all universes, wherein all possible existence is defined as itself. God therefore is existence. This means that in a very real sense, you and I are god. It would also expand to say that everything you do in the universe, you then do to yourself.

This is why we cannot define god, because to define god, we must first define our own existence, and that is the path of life.


Original thought

I've often wondered how new innovations come about in society. It seems as though it should not be possible for original thought to occur, at least when you consider society as a whole. Yet as has been shown countless times in the past, innovation does indeed exist, contrary to societal expectations.

Consider as an example, the arch.

In Ancient Greece, temples were built using columns. This technique, while effective to a point, could never be used to create the massive structures of the Romans. While Roman architecture copied Greek heavily, the innovation of the arch led to a new way of thinking about architecture. It allowed the Romans to build grander and more ornate buildings than the Greeks ever imagined.

So what was it that caused the first arch to appear? How could someone have possibly thought that leaning stones against each other would create a stronger structure than stacking them?

Society teaches us to think in linear patterns. 1+1=2 and so forth. We are taught to think in forms of this leads to that which is why this is how things are. But as scientists are finding out, linear thinking does not explain the universe.

As another example, let's take the process of photosynthesis. Plants use solar energy to create food for themselves (they also use water and carbon dioxide, but for now let's just focus on the light). Plants have an extremely effective method of transferring the energy from sunlight to other parts of their cells. So effective in fact, that it's estimated only 5% of the potential energy is lost in the conversion process. By contrast, the most effective solar panel in existence still has more than a 40% loss rate with the conversion.

When a plant receives sunlight, it needs to find the most efficient way to send the sunlight to other parts of it's cells, so the energy is sent out in wave form, along every single path possible, until it reaches the destination, then the path is chosen and all other paths become void. This is a difficult concept to grasp, especially considering that it seems mere plants are bending the very laws of time and space. So consider this: The law of general relativity states (in a very general sense) that anything traveling faster than the speed of light becomes energy; quantum physics tells us that energy exists in wave form until acted upon by another source, filling all possible points of existence. Therefore, it's not so inconceivable that a plant could receive sunlight, and transfer that energy in an instant along all possible paths to the destination in it's cells, and once the most efficient path is found, choose that path for the actual particle of energy.

So how does a plant differ from human ingenuity? In the same way the human brain differs from a computer.

Human society is based on precision. But nature is based on approximations. And that's precisely how we break free of the mold. Original thought happens by accidents, and seeing the good which arises from such accidents. It happens when somehow, a few of our neurons win the shouting match allowing us to ignore linear thinking, and use our lateral thinking instead.


What is time?

Let me ask you a question. Does the future exist? I’m sure many of you will say yes, the future does exist. It will come tomorrow. But the fact is that Tomorrow will never come. Tomorrow doesn’t exist. The future doesn’t exist. You cannot prove that there will be a tomorrow. As much as you try, you cannot say with any certainty that tomorrow will even happen, let alone what tomorrow will look like.

So, let’s really cook your noodle, shall we?

Does the past exist? This is a little more interesting of a question, because we look at our memories and say “Yes, this happened.” But when you really think about, no, the past doesn’t exist. You can’t show me the past any more than you can show me the future. You can’t show me something which happened, you can only tell me about it. Taking this one step further, we can say that you have neurons firing in your brain which have you relate to existence as though something has happened before something else.

So this begs the question, if the future doesn’t exist, and neither does the past, what does exist? Right now. And now. And now. Every instant of time is the only instant there is. Time itself is an illusion. It is what our mind spits out when it tries to comprehend that which cannot be comprehended, existence itself. From a physic point of view, time is simply a measurement of distance. That’s where we get the term space/time. This makes sense, as we measure a day as one rotation of the earth, which is itself a measurement of distance. One year is one orbit of the earth around the sun, which is 365 rotations. All units of time we have are meaningless when you remove the context of distance, thus we can say that time itself does not exist.

Well, let me ask you another question. When are you going to live the life you are meant to live? When are you going to stop living the “practice life”? We act as though the life we are living isn’t the real one. Someday we will have the big bank account. Someday we will have the perfect body. Someday we will have the perfect children, the perfect spouse, the perfect life.

But when does this life start? When do you get to someday? If time does not exist, you only have right now.

The secret is, you’ve only got one life. This one.

Rock the life you have, don’t wait for the life you want.


Nature of Reality

I'm a huge fan of science. It's always been one of my best, and favorite subjects. I somehow have a knack for inherently understanding complex theories and ideas. As a child I used to watch NOVA on PBS. It was my favorite television show. The whole universe seemed to me such a complex and beautiful place.

As my knowledge has grown, my love of the nature of the universe has as well. I love thinking about laws of physics and how they have an impact on daily life. For the purposes of this entry I'd like to define two terms. Probability is a form of existence where every single path a particle could choose is taken simultaneously. Reality is the single path a particle has chosen after observation.

Quantum mechanics (on a very basic level) states that all particles exist in wave form as well as particle form. As a particle is observed the waves of probability collapse into the particle form of reality. As reality is determined for a single particle, surrounding particles are pushed into a form of reality as well. Much like the ripples from a pebble dropped into a pond, one particle becoming a determinate form forces the ones around it to take shape around the reality which has been determined already. From this law of physics we can deduce two things:

1: Reality is not set in stone. Because every single piece of reality exists in a wave of future probable action any future action is only limited by the current state of the particle.

2: Because the very universe exists it can be said that somewhere, at some point in the past the universe must have been created. We know this by the very fact that particles exist in a determinate form. By the laws of quantum physics if there had never been a particle which had been observed, all particles would exist in a form of probability rather than a form of reality.

It's interesting to note that in regards to the second deduction, it might simply be that our universe exists entirely in the probable form of the Alpha particle (the first [and in this mode of thought, only] particle which has ever existed). This being the case it makes one wonder how we know that we actually exist at all? While it's a very existentialist mode of thought it could simply be that we do not exist at all, and the universe is a form of non-collapsed probability for a single particle.

Following this train of thought two things about the nature of the universe are further explained.

1: This explains why we cannot alter time. If the entire existence of the universe is part of the probable path of a single particle it would only make sense that we could not go back in time and change the path of events which has already occurred, or for that matter go into the future and see things how they will play out on the current time line.

2: This explains why alternate realities cannot be seen. Granted, in a case where only two possible options exist, we can determine one or the other to happen, however when infinite possibilities exist, it's possible for us to only see the few our limited frame of reference can conceive.

My personal beliefs are that we do in fact exist and the universe is not a reflection of a single wave of probability of a single particle. Because the universe exists, I take this as proof that God (of some sort) exists. If God did not exist who observed the first particle which began the cascading effect of probability turning into reality?



Hi there and thanks for stopping by! You've stumbled upon my blog, in which I examine the nature of life, the universe, and existence itself. The intent is to provide a practical approach to altering the state of your existence. As such, topics of philosophy, thought, religion, science, etc., will be discussed.

I sincerely hope you find this to be a useful and practical guide to your own existence.